Winter 2022 Newsletter
The snow guns are firing at Thredbo and Perisher with some solid falls forecast over the next couple of weeks to hopefully kick the snow season off with a bang. It looks like we may actually have a proper Winter with no lockdowns this year too - fingers crossed!
We have a few updates for you all in the meantime…
Winter Bookings
We ran our Member Priority Bookings process quite a bit earlier this year so Members’ guests could put their own requests in from mid April onwards.
If you’re yet to make a booking, there’s good availability before school holidays start on July 2, then just a few upper wing rooms and bunks free until early September.
Karen is taking a well earned break for the next few weeks, so please make sure all of your booking requests are made via the TFSL website and Therese Buckley is kindly assisting through this period. Please don't ever send Karen initial booking requests via phone, text or email - the website is the only official channel for this.
All Peak Winter Member Bookings to August 27 and Guest Bookings at any time must be made here:
General TFSL Member bookings after August 28 can be made via the secure online booking system:
COVID (& Flu) Precautions
There are still a lot of COVID cases circulating in the community (Compounded by the surge in flu cases in recent weeks) and we continue to abide by NSW Government rules and restrictions. If you test positive for COVID, you must still self isolate and not attend the lodge.
TFSL has ceased providing refunds for COVID related cancellations, as government financial assistance to businesses has now ended. We will do our best to resell last minute cancellations, but standard refund policies will apply otherwise.
We continue to reserve the right to direct people to self isolate at the lodge if they are exhibiting cold and flu symptoms and placing other guests at risk of infection.
Arrivals and Changeover Days
When the lodge is at capacity through Winter, it’s vital that all guests arrive after the 2pm check in time for the Homestead rooms and 4pm for Snowgums (Note that some recent booking confirmations mistakenly had 2pm check in time for Snowgums - this was incorrect). This ensures that all areas are clear during cleaning when up to 60 beds may be changing over and fridges require a full clean for health and safety requirements.
Winter Dishwashing
Mick and Cath will be providing a dishwashing service through July & August to ensure the kitchen flows smoothly during dinner time. This starts at 7pm and finishes at 9pm and requires people to scrape and stack their plates neatly at the end of their meals so they can be washed and sterilised. Washing up at any other time is still the responsibility of guests.
Internet Upgrade
We have recently installed the Starlink satellite internet service that provides higher speeds without a data download limit. While this has worked very well so far, we’re yet to test it with the lodge at full capacity, so please bear in mind that 50 people watching Netflix simultaneously will still probably create slower speeds for everyone. We’ll provide guidance on this if we need to re-implement any fair use policies.
Lake Crackenback Resort - Discount Cards
TFSL Members are automatically eligible for Lake Crackenback Resort Discount Cards that provide a range of benefits within the resort across the road - including ski hire at Harro's Snow Sports. While these have been individually posted in prior years, from this year onwards cards can be collected at the Lake Crackenback Resort reception desk from the June long weekend onwards.
Autumn Work Party
A big thanks to the TFSL Members that attended the work party weekend in early May - The Glover family, Justin Rebbeck and Acacia, Marguerite, Dennis and David Derrig! Stay tuned for Spring Work Party dates, usually scheduled for November.
New Share Sale Process
The Board has recently signed off on a new share sale process whereby a private auction is run for people on a pre-approved buyers list. If you have family or friends who’d like to apply to take part in future share auctions, they can start their application by completing this form.
With the huge recent rises in Snowy Mountains property prices, we expect shares in upcoming auctions will be selling for well above $30,000. If you’re considering selling your own share or ever have feedback or questions, please get in touch.