Winter 2023 Newsletter
With the recent rain and warm temps, the official ski season opening this long weekend will be a muted affair, so keep those snow dances going!
It's been a busy couple of months at the lodge, so we wanted to update you on a few things...
Manager's Residence
Following several delays, the new manager's residence was craned into position last week and is in the process of being connected to services! This has been a multi year project with deep involvement from many of TFSL's members to bring it to fruition. Mark Glover spearheaded it on the TFSL Board, his wife Cath oversaw many of the construction and design tasks, Robert Twin the surveying, Eddie Grueninger the budget, Mick Lavery the electricals and Steven Pearce the excavation works. A big thanks to our TFSL Members who assisted with the loans and financing - it wouldn't have happened without you!
New Water Tanks
As part of the building project, we've installed two huge new rainwater tanks below the driveway. This was another long term project to move away from the old creek water system the lodge has relied on since its inception. The main issue we had was mineral build up from the ground water in our expensive central heating systems and long term damage to bathroom pipes and surfaces. As this winter will be our first with the new tanks, we'll be closely monitoring water usage and may need to advise on shorter showers if reserves are running low.
Autumn Work Party
A huge thanks to everyone that attended the work party in early May. This saw a mountain of firewood get cut and stacked for winter along with tidying up from the building works. Stay tuned for our spring work party dates in November.
Winter Bookings
The lodge is strongly booked through peak winter dates again this year, but there's usually some availability to squeeze people in, so please submit any booking requests via the website form.
Non-peak period bookings before 24 June and after 4 September can be made by TFSL Members directly via the password protected online booking system.
TFSL New Members & Share Sales
We'd like to welcome Amanda Spencer and Michele Miller who became new members in recent months whilst we farewell the Chapman and Tong families who sold their shares.
If you have family or friends who’d like to apply to take part in future share auctions, they can do so by completing this form. If you’re considering selling your own share, please get in touch.
If you ever have any questions or feedback for the Board, please reach out via the website contact form.